Merri Creek Primary School situated on the banks of the Merri Creek in Fitzroy North is an inner urban Melbourne school with an enrolment of between 430 and 450 students. In 2018 the School Council, in consultation with the school community, developed a new school vision. ‘As a school community, we create an environment where students thrive in every way. We support each other as we discover, learn, think, and question. Respecting ourselves and others, we all contribute to our community and the wider world.’
The vision was designed to tie together elements of the school philosophically and educationally. It was based on many forums with different stakeholder groups in the community over a number of years where it was determined that our students currently;
Stakeholders determined that as a community what we want for our students is to be;
At Merri Creek Primary School community, we foster a community of respect through teaching and modelling the values of C.A.R.E (Creativity, Acceptance, Respect and Effort)
Students are organised in classes with Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, & Year 6 as single cohorts and one multi-age class at Year 3/4 due to enrolment numbers.
The school has a strong commitment to student wellbeing, providing a positive and supportive environment for students. A consistent whole school approach to student behaviour develops respect for others’ rights to learn in a safe, supportive, and orderly environment.
The school has high level academic achievements in Literacy and Numeracy. The Arts are greatly valued and are visible in the highly regarded music and visual art programs. The school values creativity in all areas, acceptance of diversity and developing increasing levels of responsibility for learning directions and behaviour.
Specialist lessons in Italian, Library, Visual Art, and Music operate school wide. Classroom teachers conduct Physical Education within the teaching program.
Extra curricula activities have included a whole school musical, rock band assemblies and School of Rock performances, lunchtime chess club, Year 5/6 market day, interschool sport, circus skills, yoga, choir, dance, chess club, sustainability activities, a swimming program and school camps.
School facilities include a combination of both ground and double storey buildings, as well as modular classrooms. The main building houses the staff and administration area, as well as classrooms and general-purpose spaces. Year levels are strategically situated near each other.
The grounds provide a variety of active and passive play areas, including a range of adventure playground equipment and general play courts.